Sunday, 7 July 2013

The BotRK or Blood Thirster Debate

But first, the title of my previous post was a little misleading and should have been "...and how to Support with High Utility Champions". I'm not sorry, but I will try to refrain from making the same mistake again.

OK. There has been some (alot) of debate about whether BotRK is superior to the Blood Thirster and I will shed some light on the perks and downfalls of both. Early game, a BotRK is far superior to a Blood Thirster for a number of reasons:
  1. Its cheaper!
  2. Percentage of their health is done on each hit.
  3. Doesn't need to be stacked like a Blood Thirster.
  4. Attack speed!
  5. A nice active; percentage slow, small nuke and a health injection from them to you.
This is all well and good but the counter to a BotRK is armour! So if you go against a Graves, BotRK isn't the best choice but is still good if you want to rush some early lifesteal. Mid to Late game is where the Blood Thirster comes in, if your team is giving you the farm (which they damn well should be) you can get your stacks up pretty fast giving you nice damage and life steal. Or you could buy a BotRK and then get Last Whisper and Black Cleaver to shred any armour that they may build to try and counter you. Or get both a BotRK and a Blood Thirster. Whichever you choose, you now know the ups and downs of both.


1 comment:

  1. I was checking out one of your other articles and saw this one, wanted to check it out.

    IMO, BT is superior in any situation where you're either playing a champion that plays like more of an AD caster (read: Graves-type), and BoTRK is better on champions that are reliant on autoattacks. That's why BoTRK is good on Vi, and BT is better on Graves/Corki.

    However, that's not to say BoTRK isn't good on graves and corki (though BT's pretty bad on Vi IMO), it just adds a different edge.

    Take Vayne, for example. Vayne works well with either, and a lot of people say it's preference as to which you use. BT will give you more single autoattack harass, whereas BoTRK will win out in extended engages or trades.

    By the way, BT gives you early lifesteal too, since it builds out of a vamp scepter, and the BF Sword can be a great first back on some champions.

    I definitely agree with you on how good BoTRK's active is, and it's one of the main reasons some people prefer it to BT.

    A massive spider just descended from the roof and is hanging in the air about a foot away from my face, so I'm out for now.
