So, just then I was playing some DOTA2 and decided to play Dark Seer. Now I understand he isn't everybodies cup of tea but for me he is extremely fun. Early game go for a Vanguard and Mana Boots and just spam Ion Shell on your melee creeps. It gives you some easy farm, it harasses the enemy heroes away from their farm and its a great aggressive defensive move in a pinch. After I picked up Vanguard I went for a Hood of Defiance I think it's called, for some spell resistance. After that I went for a Heart of Tarasque! Seventy-two health regen per second when out of combat. Seventy-two! By that time the game had ended however. His skills are interesting. His Q pulls all non-friendlies into a point, his W is Ion Shell and it does constant damage to anybody unwise enough to be too close to whoever it is cast on, his E makes you run extremely fast for a short amount of time and his R is the most interesting of all! It creates a purple wall and when an enemy hero passes it a clone of themselves is created which you can control. You would be surprised by how many people are scared off if you just put this down over a lane and behind a turret when you are pushing. Sometimes I use it just for this effect but I like putting it down in the middle of a team fight mostly.
Earlier today however, I was playing LoL on the North American server with some friends and I came across a solo-bot AP Yi. The enemy team had no AD Carry and they didn't need one. We were utterly destroyed by this one AP Yi. All the AP ratios on his abilities are still too high. I called for our AD champs to build Executioners Calling for its niche passive that is supposed to counter Yi's Meditate. He was still able to out heal our DPS even though his healing was halved. WTF!? And after that he would just Q again and get another huge chunk of health taken off anybody close enough and in the case of our ADC, he died in two Q's. I am really looking forwards to the Master Yi rework that is supposed to happen sometime soon. No more unkillable, overly bursty Yi's.
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