Yesterday I played a bit of Neverwinter, it's not bad. Now I mean the MMO Neverwinter not Neverwinter Nights. I'm a little unhappy with the lack of classes that they could have and all the variations, such as multi-classing. But apart from that it has nice graphics, nice soundtracks and decent sound effects.
Now, something on the upcoming League of Legends champion; Lucian. He was leaked before Lissandra if my memory serves correctly (which it might not since I am writing this at 2:50AM) anyway, the thoughts on him were mixed. Just recently, the official teaser was released. He has two guns and wants to take vengeance on some inhabitant of the Shadow Isles for killing his wife. A few pictures were also released showing the two guns and a gravestone. A friend of mine did some digging around and came up with a different version of the gravestone picture in which it has a name on it, although partly obscured it reads; "In loving memory" and "S E N". It is possible to see a small part of the last letter on the gravestone, I personally think its an A. Not much has been released about his kit except that he will be an AD Carry without any CC. All I can think of at the moment is a male version of Vayne cross Miss Fortune, except black. Which is another interesting thing! He will be the first black champion on the fields of justice. I am definitely looking forwards to seeing how he will turn out.
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