Something has been bugging me for awhile and this something has a name. Evelynn. People's opinions of her generally are split into two groups; "She sucks and is a horrible champ!" OR "She is completely OP, pls nerf!". I can't help but disagree with the first statement, but I don't really believe the second either. Sure I've had games with her and I carried my team with ease but thats not because she is "OP", it's because they have no tank and/or little AoE. Sure she is permanently cloaked just like Riki from DOTA but with a totally different skillset, but there are ways around this. Oracles, Pink Wards and Teemo Shrooms mainly. She used to be alot more OP with her being able to stay properly cloaked for periods of up to Forty seconds at a time instead of the current "Cloaked till you're near somebody". She had a slow on leaving the old cloak with an ability or a basic attack, now it's only on her ult. A good counter to Evelynn is Cho'Gath or anybody with big AoE, good examples are; Orianna, Malphite, Kayle, Darius, Wukong, Syndra, Lissandra, Kog'Maw, Lee Sin and some others. Now by countering I don't mean being able to kill easily, I mean being more likely to hit her with abilities and grant vision.
Alot of people complain about certain champions being "OP". Now, no single champion is OP unless they are broken. People complain that champions are broken and OP because they don't know how to counter them. Let's go through some people complain about. Diana, she is a little broken but some hard CC shuts her down easy. Akali, carry a pink ward around and drop it when she drops her smoke and then stick together, hard CC also effective. Aatrox, hard CC and Executioners Calling will stop him dead. Blitzcrank, stay behind minions while warding bushes and try not to get caught out of position. Darius, slows and ranged attacks. LeBlanc, Banshee's Veil and some CC. I probably missed a few but if you don't have a good mix of CC in your team comp, chances are that you're gonna lose to one of these "OP" champions. Map awareness is also a good thing to have although it takes practice.
Though I agree with you that a lot of champions are just called OP because people get rolled by them, or don't understand counterplay to them, it's undeniable that some champions are more easily countered or shut down than others. Take Kha'Zix, for example. KZ can be shut down with ranged harass and sustain, armor, or hard CC. But the fact of the matter is most of the time, people don't have the coordination to pull this off, letting KZ get fed in most of his games. Does that mean he's uncounterable? No. But could he be OP just because of how hard it is to counter him? Definitely.
ReplyDeleteWith Akali, of course pinks or Oracles will shut her down, but those aren't free, and come at the cost of the rest of your build. It's 125g any time she Twilight Shrouds and it seems risky for you. And with Aatrox, Executioner's Calling shuts him down, but it's also a pretty godawful item that cripples your build by not being.. well.. a better item that's more worth the money. (For the record I think ignite does a pretty good job of the same task.)
As for LB -- CC stops her, if you can apply it before she gets to you. The key to her is getting in people's faces and bursting them down before they can do anything about it.
I guess what I'm trying to say is I certainly agree that most of the classic "OP" champs *do* have counterplay, if it can be executed. But I think broken-ness is more or less a measure of how hard it is to apply that counterplay.