The reason I stopped posting for awhile is because I ran out of content to post about, but as I have recently found and experienced some more things I will now resume with fervor!
Now a lot of people believe that Malphite should be played as a tank or even a little bit AP. Because I like trying crazy things with champions I have discovered what I believe to be a new play style for Malphite. AD! This concept revolves around his W which has a passive and an active. Firstly, the passive gives splash damage on melee attacks and it stacks with items such as Ravenous Hydra. This means that you hit around 120% to targets near your focus, just like the old Tiamat Stack Meta except nerfed. But it is still crazy OP, I managed to get a 1v5 Quadra because of the splash and the active on his W which I'm getting to now. The active gives a percentage bonus to your AD and Armour, making Malphite a ridiculous brawler when built AD. I've achieved around 650 AD, for short periods of course. Now couple this crazy high AD with a bit of Crit, Splash, Armour Pen and Attack Speed. The build I use is; Ravenous Hydra, Berserker Greaves, Atma's Impaler, Frozen Mallet, Black Cleaver and Infinity Edge. This gives around three thousand health, four hundred AD, some armour, some crit, some splash and lifesteal.
Also, Bear Cavalry Sejuani was released recently to mark the opening of the Russian Servers for League of Legends. I'm sure Zilean won't be happy that another armoured bear has been let into the League.
Thursday, 1 August 2013
Saturday, 27 July 2013
Triple Blood Thirster Thresh
Oh yes! As the title suggests, I have discovered a build that makes Thresh pretty much unstoppable. BotRK, Berserker Greaves, Trinity Force and three Blood Thirsters. If you can collect around 200 souls, you are able to hit around 800 damage EVERY hit. Thats around 400 Attack Damage and 400 Magic Damage on EVERY hit. If you charge your E up you can hit for over 1000 and if you proc the Spell-Blade passive on your Tri-Force you can hit even higher. I have gotten solo Quadra's with a bit of fancy moving, and I reckon you could achieve a Penta with it.
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
Rare Loot, Mordekaiser and Poison Spells
Recently while playing Cube World I've come across some dungeons with deceptively powerful mobs in them. For instance; I found a blue named pyramid and decided to take a peek inside, should be normal right? Nope. All the monsters had a "+4" next to their names and I got destroyed pretty fast. I kept looking around and found a blue named +2 dungeon, I was able to clear it with about Thirty potions and got some epic loot from it. Alot of Purple (Rare) and a few Yellow (Rarest) items dropped, some of them were even named! So if you are after rare loot, go find those dungeons with +Numbers on the mobs in them. But be prepared for a fight because they don't like parting with their treasures!
A few days ago I played Mordekaiser again. I had so much fun and had many kills, one death at the very end and a few assists by the time they surrendered. If you can get some early gold, you can farm ridiculously fast and if your team isn't running a jungler you can take wraiths and wolves as well. Before I bought Morde I saw somebody get One Hundred farm per Ten Minutes and single handedly roflstomp the enemy team, repeatedly. With a full build of the right items you can get Morde's Q doing over 1000 damage to single targets, you can tank for days and kill the enemy team with their own carry! Now, I am still working on a concrete build for him but two must buy items are Lich Bane and Hextech Gunblade along with the usual Sorcerers Shoes etc. Another ridiculous item combo that mainly augments his ultimate is; Liandry's Torment, Rylai's Crystal Scepter and Deathfire Grasp. The Deathfire makes them take bonus damage, so you use it first. Then you ult them, or if they are tanky E and or Q as well. They will be constantly slowed while your ult is affecting them and because of this will take double burn damage from Liandry's all the while taking bonus damage from Deathfire. That means they will most likely die a reasonably quick death.
Also something I noticed with Cassiopeia (and a few other poison users in LoL) is that their poison can be augmented with the Jungler item; Spirit of the Elder Lizard. This adds True Damage to every tick of the poison along with any augmentations already in use, such as Black Fire Torch or Liandry's Torment. A very potent combination, the extra AD can be useful to farm and push towers or even to harass.
A few days ago I played Mordekaiser again. I had so much fun and had many kills, one death at the very end and a few assists by the time they surrendered. If you can get some early gold, you can farm ridiculously fast and if your team isn't running a jungler you can take wraiths and wolves as well. Before I bought Morde I saw somebody get One Hundred farm per Ten Minutes and single handedly roflstomp the enemy team, repeatedly. With a full build of the right items you can get Morde's Q doing over 1000 damage to single targets, you can tank for days and kill the enemy team with their own carry! Now, I am still working on a concrete build for him but two must buy items are Lich Bane and Hextech Gunblade along with the usual Sorcerers Shoes etc. Another ridiculous item combo that mainly augments his ultimate is; Liandry's Torment, Rylai's Crystal Scepter and Deathfire Grasp. The Deathfire makes them take bonus damage, so you use it first. Then you ult them, or if they are tanky E and or Q as well. They will be constantly slowed while your ult is affecting them and because of this will take double burn damage from Liandry's all the while taking bonus damage from Deathfire. That means they will most likely die a reasonably quick death.
Also something I noticed with Cassiopeia (and a few other poison users in LoL) is that their poison can be augmented with the Jungler item; Spirit of the Elder Lizard. This adds True Damage to every tick of the poison along with any augmentations already in use, such as Black Fire Torch or Liandry's Torment. A very potent combination, the extra AD can be useful to farm and push towers or even to harass.
Sunday, 21 July 2013
Cube World Portals and Ahri!
Today I found Three portals while playing cube world, all in the same desert and more or less consecutively. I was previously under the impression that it was one portal per biome, guess I was wrong.
And on to the main event, Ahri! She is my absolute favourite LoL champion ever. Apart from her obviously alluring figure, she has some awesome abilities. Her Q is a returning skillshot that deals Magic damage on the way out and returns with True damage. Her W summons Three homing missile-ish wisps of fire that prefer to hit enemy champions over minions. Her E is a Taunt skillshot in the form of a blown kiss with a love heart projectile. Her ultimate is a dash that does the same thing as her W except she can do it Three times, she can also pass through terrain. This allows her to gank and escape extremely well and if you add a Rylais to her build, she can kite exceptionally. She was the second champion I picked up, although she requires a fair amount of skill to play properly I highly recommend her.
And on to the main event, Ahri! She is my absolute favourite LoL champion ever. Apart from her obviously alluring figure, she has some awesome abilities. Her Q is a returning skillshot that deals Magic damage on the way out and returns with True damage. Her W summons Three homing missile-ish wisps of fire that prefer to hit enemy champions over minions. Her E is a Taunt skillshot in the form of a blown kiss with a love heart projectile. Her ultimate is a dash that does the same thing as her W except she can do it Three times, she can also pass through terrain. This allows her to gank and escape extremely well and if you add a Rylais to her build, she can kite exceptionally. She was the second champion I picked up, although she requires a fair amount of skill to play properly I highly recommend her.
Thursday, 18 July 2013
Evelynn, and the OP Illusion
Something has been bugging me for awhile and this something has a name. Evelynn. People's opinions of her generally are split into two groups; "She sucks and is a horrible champ!" OR "She is completely OP, pls nerf!". I can't help but disagree with the first statement, but I don't really believe the second either. Sure I've had games with her and I carried my team with ease but thats not because she is "OP", it's because they have no tank and/or little AoE. Sure she is permanently cloaked just like Riki from DOTA but with a totally different skillset, but there are ways around this. Oracles, Pink Wards and Teemo Shrooms mainly. She used to be alot more OP with her being able to stay properly cloaked for periods of up to Forty seconds at a time instead of the current "Cloaked till you're near somebody". She had a slow on leaving the old cloak with an ability or a basic attack, now it's only on her ult. A good counter to Evelynn is Cho'Gath or anybody with big AoE, good examples are; Orianna, Malphite, Kayle, Darius, Wukong, Syndra, Lissandra, Kog'Maw, Lee Sin and some others. Now by countering I don't mean being able to kill easily, I mean being more likely to hit her with abilities and grant vision.
Alot of people complain about certain champions being "OP". Now, no single champion is OP unless they are broken. People complain that champions are broken and OP because they don't know how to counter them. Let's go through some people complain about. Diana, she is a little broken but some hard CC shuts her down easy. Akali, carry a pink ward around and drop it when she drops her smoke and then stick together, hard CC also effective. Aatrox, hard CC and Executioners Calling will stop him dead. Blitzcrank, stay behind minions while warding bushes and try not to get caught out of position. Darius, slows and ranged attacks. LeBlanc, Banshee's Veil and some CC. I probably missed a few but if you don't have a good mix of CC in your team comp, chances are that you're gonna lose to one of these "OP" champions. Map awareness is also a good thing to have although it takes practice.
Alot of people complain about certain champions being "OP". Now, no single champion is OP unless they are broken. People complain that champions are broken and OP because they don't know how to counter them. Let's go through some people complain about. Diana, she is a little broken but some hard CC shuts her down easy. Akali, carry a pink ward around and drop it when she drops her smoke and then stick together, hard CC also effective. Aatrox, hard CC and Executioners Calling will stop him dead. Blitzcrank, stay behind minions while warding bushes and try not to get caught out of position. Darius, slows and ranged attacks. LeBlanc, Banshee's Veil and some CC. I probably missed a few but if you don't have a good mix of CC in your team comp, chances are that you're gonna lose to one of these "OP" champions. Map awareness is also a good thing to have although it takes practice.
Tuesday, 16 July 2013
Minecraft Plenty O' Biomes Mod
Yesterday I was given the IP of a modded Minecraft Server run by an old EVE friend. I downloaded the Mods and installed them using a handy program that allows multiple Minecraft installations, so you don't wreck up your vanilla .jar file. Anyway, I logged in and got on to the server and the first thing I see is a Mushroom Forest! The main mod on the server is called Plenty O' Biomes and it adds a new sense of adventure and awsome into the game for those that may have grown bored of seeing the same scenery repeatedly. The biomes that I've found so far are; An Ice Forest, a Sakura Forest (Cherry Blossoms), Jade Cliffs, Tropics, Marsh, Canyons, Savannah, Grassland, Meadow, Dead Lands and a few more. I am currently setting up a log cabin in a Dead Lands forest. The water is a very dark blue/purple, the sky is dark blue/grey the grass and leaves are a dark blue/purple colour thats almost black. Very ominous, but awsome!
Sunday, 14 July 2013
Hel and the Cube World Max Level
I decided to try out Hel during one of my recent bouts of Smite. She is the Norse god of the Underworld, and is a Support/Mage. She has two kits, one for damage and one for support. Her R switches between them and causes her to change from dark and sinister to light and semi friendly looking and back again. I forgot most of what her abilities do, but she is fun and awsome looking!
The other day I did some research on the Cube World Leveling system and what I found out is pretty interesting. The higher your level, the easier it is to get to the next level. Cube World is set up so you can potentially level up infinitely so you never feel like you've finished the game and in order to achieve this, they put in a Power Level system.With armour, weapons, jewellery and consumables you require an appropriate Power Level to use them. The max Power Level is 100 and the closest you can get is Power Level 99 at around Level 300. This is interesting because it might cause some monsters to be infinitely more powerful than you, but as I am only around level 30 on my highest character it's still speculation!
The other day I did some research on the Cube World Leveling system and what I found out is pretty interesting. The higher your level, the easier it is to get to the next level. Cube World is set up so you can potentially level up infinitely so you never feel like you've finished the game and in order to achieve this, they put in a Power Level system.With armour, weapons, jewellery and consumables you require an appropriate Power Level to use them. The max Power Level is 100 and the closest you can get is Power Level 99 at around Level 300. This is interesting because it might cause some monsters to be infinitely more powerful than you, but as I am only around level 30 on my highest character it's still speculation!
Saturday, 13 July 2013
Green Ribbons and Ranked Stupid
Today I decided to play a ranked game of League of Legends in the infamous Bronze V solo queue on the Oceanic Server. After that game I promptly vowed to never play solo ranked again until I regained my Green Ribbon, which is for Teamwork. The amount of stupid in the lower tiers of LoL and probably any MOBA is too damn high!! When I play ranked I normally play Support Janna because people don't seem to be able to ward properly and end up feeding the enemy Jungler or Mid, but the problem is; You can't support stupid. In today's match the enemy team got so far ahead that when I tried to help out the other lanes, if anybody got caught my shield was meaningless because of sheer burst.
Anyway, when you manage to get a Ribbon you normally get matched with others with that ribbon. So if you get the Teamwork Ribbon, you are alot less likely to be matched with retards for team-mates. And that helps you proceed in ranked ALOT easier.
Anyway, when you manage to get a Ribbon you normally get matched with others with that ribbon. So if you get the Teamwork Ribbon, you are alot less likely to be matched with retards for team-mates. And that helps you proceed in ranked ALOT easier.
Friday, 12 July 2013
Smite and Neith
Today I played Smite for the first time, and I really enjoyed it! I immediately took a liking to the Egyptian Goddess Neith. She is a Carry/Support and at first I was like; "WTF you cant have carry and support on the same character!". Turns out you can. She has a long range poke as her Q and it snares on hit, her W is an AoE damage that slows attack speed and heals you, her E is a backflip that damages and places a "Broken Weave" where you were and damages people, her R is a super long range sniper shot with homing and her passive causes enemy deaths to leave behind "Broken Weaves" that interact with your abilities in some way. The game play is pretty similar to any MOBA with similar heroes except that you play in Third Person, Attacking is your Left Mouse Button, Moving is WASD keys and spells are 1-4 on the keyboard. It took me a bit to get used to for instance, the enemy Fenrir (similar to Warwick from LoL, and Ursa from DOTA with an ult like Skarner also from LoL but with a silly leap) would run out of lane into the jungle and then the next thing you know is he has leaped from behind you and is tearing you a new one. Tunnel vision kills! It's a pretty fun game overall.
Thursday, 11 July 2013
AP Skarner and Cube World Lava Lands
Recently I tried Skarner, looked at his abilities and noticed they all scale off AP. He has ridiculous sustain close to being broken, a huge shield, fun ultimate and alot of damage. All you need to do is start with his E for early healing then max it by level Nine, followed by his W (the shield) and then Q (a great slow/aoe damage) with his ult being attained at the appropriate levels all the while building AP. I recommend building; Rylais, Rod of Ages, Sorcerers Shoes with Alacrity, Will of the Ancients, Rabadons and either Lich Bane or Nashor's Tooth for some auto attack damage.
Today in Cube World I was exploring and I came across the most hostile of biomes, the Lava Lands. Sort of like the Nether in Minecraft except no Ghasts, Blazes, Lava Slimes or Zombie Pigmen. Instead of these, the fauna are more demonic; Imps, Demons, Ember Golems and Mosquitoes. The flora is very sparse consisting of small clumps of red grass, bright red thorny bushes and large thorny wood vines curling up from the ground. The landscape is coloured to look like there are lava cracks everywhere but this could do with some work. Overall I am impressed, but I also have high hopes for this biome and the game in general.
Today in Cube World I was exploring and I came across the most hostile of biomes, the Lava Lands. Sort of like the Nether in Minecraft except no Ghasts, Blazes, Lava Slimes or Zombie Pigmen. Instead of these, the fauna are more demonic; Imps, Demons, Ember Golems and Mosquitoes. The flora is very sparse consisting of small clumps of red grass, bright red thorny bushes and large thorny wood vines curling up from the ground. The landscape is coloured to look like there are lava cracks everywhere but this could do with some work. Overall I am impressed, but I also have high hopes for this biome and the game in general.
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
DayZ Strongholds and Cube World Mounts
I forgot to write up a post yesterday, oops. I'm not going to write a double length one to make up for it though.
Yesterday I was on DayZ a bit and the group I play with now has a stronghold! It is a giant wooden square monstrosity with a lookout tower in each corner, it has tank traps around the base and at the front gate is a few hung corpses. I believe it's the first in the server to be built so its quite prestigious. It provides a great defensible location along with huge storage and room for a vehicle or two.
I've been playing Cube World alot and it hasn't failed to disappoint. I've been quite lucky in my exploring and have come across two portals, which I can use like waypoints from Diablo. I've been collecting alot of pets, and the amount of mounts in the game is quite high! Some of the mounts I have are; Bunny, Cat, Crocodile, Turtle, Porcupine, Peacock, Camel a Horse and some other ones. I am still yet to tame a Slime as they require the same colour jelly that they are to tame. (cannibal slimes, anyone?) But the slimes look the best when ridden because they only bob up and down and slide along the ground. So damn cute!
Yesterday I was on DayZ a bit and the group I play with now has a stronghold! It is a giant wooden square monstrosity with a lookout tower in each corner, it has tank traps around the base and at the front gate is a few hung corpses. I believe it's the first in the server to be built so its quite prestigious. It provides a great defensible location along with huge storage and room for a vehicle or two.
I've been playing Cube World alot and it hasn't failed to disappoint. I've been quite lucky in my exploring and have come across two portals, which I can use like waypoints from Diablo. I've been collecting alot of pets, and the amount of mounts in the game is quite high! Some of the mounts I have are; Bunny, Cat, Crocodile, Turtle, Porcupine, Peacock, Camel a Horse and some other ones. I am still yet to tame a Slime as they require the same colour jelly that they are to tame. (cannibal slimes, anyone?) But the slimes look the best when ridden because they only bob up and down and slide along the ground. So damn cute!
Monday, 8 July 2013
EVE's First dead Revenant and, MUNDO!
Earlier today, the first Revenant class Super Carrier exploded in a fiery ball of death in EVE Online. This particular class of spaceship is extremely expensive (and pretty rare) in game and in real world money is worth a few thousand US dollars. It was the victim of a successful AWOX attempt. AWOX'ing is when an enemy spy either causes the target to be in a vulnerable position or finds it in one and then proceeds to call in a fleet to destroy the target. AWOX'ing targets are usually faction battleships, freighters and jump freighters and capital ships. The Revenant belongs to the later class, capitals. Every capital in the game is worth over 1,000,000,000,000 (One Billion) ISK, which is the in game currency of EVE. And $20USD roughly converts to 1.2Bil ISK. Thats enough for the hull of a cheap dreadnought or carrier, let alone modules to put on it. I hope Pandemic Legion (the faction that lost the Revenant) learns from this and recruits more carefully in the future. It would be a shame to lose another super expensive asset.
I have recently been playing a bit of Dr. Mundo on the Oceanic server, but have been running into an annoying dilemma. The enemy team either wins or surrenders before I can complete my fourth item whenever I play Mundo. I rush Warmogs followed by Mercury Treads with the Furor enchantment and then a Blood Thirster! At this point the game is normally around 25:00. I plan to build Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Randuins Omen and Spirit Visage after the Blood Thirster but I never get around to it. Hopefully I'll have better luck soon.
I have recently been playing a bit of Dr. Mundo on the Oceanic server, but have been running into an annoying dilemma. The enemy team either wins or surrenders before I can complete my fourth item whenever I play Mundo. I rush Warmogs followed by Mercury Treads with the Furor enchantment and then a Blood Thirster! At this point the game is normally around 25:00. I plan to build Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Randuins Omen and Spirit Visage after the Blood Thirster but I never get around to it. Hopefully I'll have better luck soon.
Sunday, 7 July 2013
The BotRK or Blood Thirster Debate
But first, the title of my previous post was a little misleading and should have been "...and how to Support with High Utility Champions". I'm not sorry, but I will try to refrain from making the same mistake again.
OK. There has been some (alot) of debate about whether BotRK is superior to the Blood Thirster and I will shed some light on the perks and downfalls of both. Early game, a BotRK is far superior to a Blood Thirster for a number of reasons:
OK. There has been some (alot) of debate about whether BotRK is superior to the Blood Thirster and I will shed some light on the perks and downfalls of both. Early game, a BotRK is far superior to a Blood Thirster for a number of reasons:
- Its cheaper!
- Percentage of their health is done on each hit.
- Doesn't need to be stacked like a Blood Thirster.
- Attack speed!
- A nice active; percentage slow, small nuke and a health injection from them to you.
Saturday, 6 July 2013
Starcraft 2, and why I love Janna Support
Earlier today a friend on facebook was wondering if any of his friends had Starcraft 2, so I messaged him and we ended up playing a quick 1v1 in which he surrendered. Now, I am pretty bad at SC2 (and I hardly play it) but I know the basics of the old Terran meta so I used the normal Marine-Marauder-Medivac strategy and in the later stages of the game I had some Battlecruisers in the works. Two tips for anybody wanting to improve their game are as follows;
- Never queue units or upgrades unless you have a HUGE back log of resources, this allows you to have a greater total pool of resources at any one time but requires a bit more macro.
- Set your shortcut settings to Grid layout. This sets the top left shortcut on the panel to Q and the bottom right shortcut to B. Anything in the middle will be on its respective key, this allows faster actions with practice.
Friday, 5 July 2013
A little on Neverwinter, and the next LoL Champion
Yesterday I played a bit of Neverwinter, it's not bad. Now I mean the MMO Neverwinter not Neverwinter Nights. I'm a little unhappy with the lack of classes that they could have and all the variations, such as multi-classing. But apart from that it has nice graphics, nice soundtracks and decent sound effects.
Now, something on the upcoming League of Legends champion; Lucian. He was leaked before Lissandra if my memory serves correctly (which it might not since I am writing this at 2:50AM) anyway, the thoughts on him were mixed. Just recently, the official teaser was released. He has two guns and wants to take vengeance on some inhabitant of the Shadow Isles for killing his wife. A few pictures were also released showing the two guns and a gravestone. A friend of mine did some digging around and came up with a different version of the gravestone picture in which it has a name on it, although partly obscured it reads; "In loving memory" and "S E N". It is possible to see a small part of the last letter on the gravestone, I personally think its an A. Not much has been released about his kit except that he will be an AD Carry without any CC. All I can think of at the moment is a male version of Vayne cross Miss Fortune, except black. Which is another interesting thing! He will be the first black champion on the fields of justice. I am definitely looking forwards to seeing how he will turn out.
Now, something on the upcoming League of Legends champion; Lucian. He was leaked before Lissandra if my memory serves correctly (which it might not since I am writing this at 2:50AM) anyway, the thoughts on him were mixed. Just recently, the official teaser was released. He has two guns and wants to take vengeance on some inhabitant of the Shadow Isles for killing his wife. A few pictures were also released showing the two guns and a gravestone. A friend of mine did some digging around and came up with a different version of the gravestone picture in which it has a name on it, although partly obscured it reads; "In loving memory" and "S E N". It is possible to see a small part of the last letter on the gravestone, I personally think its an A. Not much has been released about his kit except that he will be an AD Carry without any CC. All I can think of at the moment is a male version of Vayne cross Miss Fortune, except black. Which is another interesting thing! He will be the first black champion on the fields of justice. I am definitely looking forwards to seeing how he will turn out.
Thursday, 4 July 2013
Cube World, at last!
Thanks to a friend of mine, I now have Cube World despite being out of money! :D
The game does not disappoint in any way, and I am completely enjoying it. So far I have tamed a Bunny, a Mole and a Cat. I have decided to go with a Female Elf Warrior Berserker with a Greatsword! I found a Wind Spirit cube (which increases movement and attack speed) and have added it to my Greatsword, this stacks with my Berserker passive of increasing attack speed with every successive hit and when I get a good combo up the cube starts glowing brightly and sparks start flying off the victims. I have heard of some sort of teleport stones like a waypoint from Diablo or some such but haven't found any yet. Will post more about this game tomorrow!
The game does not disappoint in any way, and I am completely enjoying it. So far I have tamed a Bunny, a Mole and a Cat. I have decided to go with a Female Elf Warrior Berserker with a Greatsword! I found a Wind Spirit cube (which increases movement and attack speed) and have added it to my Greatsword, this stacks with my Berserker passive of increasing attack speed with every successive hit and when I get a good combo up the cube starts glowing brightly and sparks start flying off the victims. I have heard of some sort of teleport stones like a waypoint from Diablo or some such but haven't found any yet. Will post more about this game tomorrow!
Wednesday, 3 July 2013
Minecraft 1.6, and why Nami makes a good bruiser
With the latest Minecraft update I reset the world of my Multiplayer Server, which me and a few friends often frequent. Lucky for us, we spawned straight onto a Jungle Temple. I found some iron bars, a set of gold horse armour a diamond and some other things. We decided to just renovate the temple and live in it. Downstairs is the chest room and bedroom, mid floor is the crafting and smelting area, top floor was the bedroom but we dug a new one down stairs and turned it into a Cocoa Bean farm and last of all we built a small watchtower on the roof with a glass floor to let the sun into the crafting area. Since we are in a jungle we have been clearing the nearby trees and undergrowth to prevent ambushes from unwelcome things, such as creepers. More on this in a later post!
Now, about Nami! With the latest LoL patch, they removed the item Malady and added its main passive onto Nashors Tooth. I didn't really like this idea but it simplifies things a little more when building AP onto basic attacks. I decided to try Nami with an AP build with alot of on-hit stuff and happened across a winning combo; Nashor's Tooth, Lich Bane, Rabaddons, Berserker Greaves and some other things makes for a deadly combo while still being able to provide plenty of support to your team. I do not recommend supporting from the start with this build because you won't have enough money for wards (which are essential!) and your ADC might want you to get some support items. I can confirm that this build works, just make sure to max your E first followed by W or Q depending on whether you need more survivability or crowd control. A Kassadin mid swore at me and switched lanes earlier today because I started wrecking him. This build would work top and mid.
Now, about Nami! With the latest LoL patch, they removed the item Malady and added its main passive onto Nashors Tooth. I didn't really like this idea but it simplifies things a little more when building AP onto basic attacks. I decided to try Nami with an AP build with alot of on-hit stuff and happened across a winning combo; Nashor's Tooth, Lich Bane, Rabaddons, Berserker Greaves and some other things makes for a deadly combo while still being able to provide plenty of support to your team. I do not recommend supporting from the start with this build because you won't have enough money for wards (which are essential!) and your ADC might want you to get some support items. I can confirm that this build works, just make sure to max your E first followed by W or Q depending on whether you need more survivability or crowd control. A Kassadin mid swore at me and switched lanes earlier today because I started wrecking him. This build would work top and mid.
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
As the title suggests, the voxel based RPG game was released sometime in the near past. I highly recommend buying it! I am extremely excited and will most certainly purchase this awsome game in the very near future!! :D
Dark Seer, and why AP Yi is still broken
So, just then I was playing some DOTA2 and decided to play Dark Seer. Now I understand he isn't everybodies cup of tea but for me he is extremely fun. Early game go for a Vanguard and Mana Boots and just spam Ion Shell on your melee creeps. It gives you some easy farm, it harasses the enemy heroes away from their farm and its a great aggressive defensive move in a pinch. After I picked up Vanguard I went for a Hood of Defiance I think it's called, for some spell resistance. After that I went for a Heart of Tarasque! Seventy-two health regen per second when out of combat. Seventy-two! By that time the game had ended however. His skills are interesting. His Q pulls all non-friendlies into a point, his W is Ion Shell and it does constant damage to anybody unwise enough to be too close to whoever it is cast on, his E makes you run extremely fast for a short amount of time and his R is the most interesting of all! It creates a purple wall and when an enemy hero passes it a clone of themselves is created which you can control. You would be surprised by how many people are scared off if you just put this down over a lane and behind a turret when you are pushing. Sometimes I use it just for this effect but I like putting it down in the middle of a team fight mostly.
Earlier today however, I was playing LoL on the North American server with some friends and I came across a solo-bot AP Yi. The enemy team had no AD Carry and they didn't need one. We were utterly destroyed by this one AP Yi. All the AP ratios on his abilities are still too high. I called for our AD champs to build Executioners Calling for its niche passive that is supposed to counter Yi's Meditate. He was still able to out heal our DPS even though his healing was halved. WTF!? And after that he would just Q again and get another huge chunk of health taken off anybody close enough and in the case of our ADC, he died in two Q's. I am really looking forwards to the Master Yi rework that is supposed to happen sometime soon. No more unkillable, overly bursty Yi's.
Earlier today however, I was playing LoL on the North American server with some friends and I came across a solo-bot AP Yi. The enemy team had no AD Carry and they didn't need one. We were utterly destroyed by this one AP Yi. All the AP ratios on his abilities are still too high. I called for our AD champs to build Executioners Calling for its niche passive that is supposed to counter Yi's Meditate. He was still able to out heal our DPS even though his healing was halved. WTF!? And after that he would just Q again and get another huge chunk of health taken off anybody close enough and in the case of our ADC, he died in two Q's. I am really looking forwards to the Master Yi rework that is supposed to happen sometime soon. No more unkillable, overly bursty Yi's.
Monday, 1 July 2013
Minecraft gets Horses, and a bit on LeBlanc and Tiredness
A reasonably short time ago, the latest Minecraft update was released. Woo! It adds a bunch of awsome new things, some of which are; horses, donkeys and mules. No longer will we have to worry for our lives when hacking through hordes of zombies, neither will we need to make multiple trips when collecting resources on the surface in remote locations. Also, carpet and stained hard clay blocks. Ever wanted to build a giant pink and green checkered castle out of non-flammable material? No? Well neither have I, but at least its possible now.
Also, I was playing a match of LoL earlier and decided to go LeBlanc mid. For quite a few months after I bought her I was pretty bad at her. One day, a friend from Europe asked to 1v1 me. I said OK because I hardly ever turn down a challenge and then he proceeded to faceroll me with LeBlanc. Ever since then I have been doing alot better with her, guess I picked up some tricks. I also found out quite recently that I absolutely cant play LeBlanc when I am tired. In fact, my level of play decreases dramatically when I haven't had enough sleep.
Also, I was playing a match of LoL earlier and decided to go LeBlanc mid. For quite a few months after I bought her I was pretty bad at her. One day, a friend from Europe asked to 1v1 me. I said OK because I hardly ever turn down a challenge and then he proceeded to faceroll me with LeBlanc. Ever since then I have been doing alot better with her, guess I picked up some tricks. I also found out quite recently that I absolutely cant play LeBlanc when I am tired. In fact, my level of play decreases dramatically when I haven't had enough sleep.
Sunday, 30 June 2013
DRAAAAVEN! And an interesting trend with EVE
Recently I tried playing Draven and came out with only ONE conclusion. Draven is hard to play! Hard, but very rewarding for those willing to master the precision spam clicking required to catch his axes for that extra damage. I am too lazy to bother trying to master it so I will stick to other, easier carries such as Quinn, Ashe and even Vayne. His current passive which causes bleed damage on crit and a few other things, this rips through anybody that isnt prepared in a very short time. I have witnessed same level AD Carries being One Shot by a Draven Axe. His new passive will turn him from one of the most aggressive ADC's to the most Defensive. All he will need to do is catch axes and kill minions (I think) to get stacks of his passive. When he gets a kill he trades in a certain amount of his stacked passive for some extra gold. I can easily see good Draven players getting a GPM (Gold Per Minute) of greater than 700.
Also something about EVE that I've noticed. But first a short history lesson. When I joined the EVE scene the major power in the game (and the North of the galaxy) was the Northern Coalition. They fell apart due to greed mainly and were replaced by the Clusterfuck Coalition, who then ruled the North for two years. Present Day. The Clusterfuck Coalition has a weakening grip on the North and has deployed its fleets Southward to deal with a fast growing threat. Meanwhile in the East and some parts of the North a less obvious threat is brewing and if nothing is done. The Cycle will continue, the old coalition will be deposed and a new will rise in its place only to fall eventually and so on. I call it; "The Cycle of Dominion".
Also something about EVE that I've noticed. But first a short history lesson. When I joined the EVE scene the major power in the game (and the North of the galaxy) was the Northern Coalition. They fell apart due to greed mainly and were replaced by the Clusterfuck Coalition, who then ruled the North for two years. Present Day. The Clusterfuck Coalition has a weakening grip on the North and has deployed its fleets Southward to deal with a fast growing threat. Meanwhile in the East and some parts of the North a less obvious threat is brewing and if nothing is done. The Cycle will continue, the old coalition will be deposed and a new will rise in its place only to fall eventually and so on. I call it; "The Cycle of Dominion".
Saturday, 29 June 2013
Cube World, and Smurfing in general
If you haven't heard of Cube World but have heard of Minecraft, go google that right now! It has the same limitless potential that Minecraft does, except more RPG focused. Sort of like a 3D Terraria without too much focus on the building. It's in Closed Alpha at the moment and it has some very nice features already, such as; Visually customizable weapons and when you add on to an item it gains more stats, alot of tameable mobs some of which are mountable, climbing/hang gliding and sailing/swimming. It has the same random terrain generation as Minecraft, which makes for a new adventure over every hill. If you like Minecraft and Terraria, you will more than likely love Cube World.
Since relocating my main League of Legends account to the new Oceania Server, I have been forced to play with my North American friends on an alternate account. They are generally known as a Smurf or an Alt, the reasoning behind this is beyond me. Anyway, at lower levels the ratio of the density between smurfs and newbs is considerably higher. By my judgement I would say that it goes 5:2, the greater being smurf accounts until you hit around level Thirteen where it starts evening out and you get more legitimate newbies in your games. In DOTA2 they have a fix for people that use smurf accounts, and that is to put them with more skilled players the more that they win games until they are back at their usual level of skill. I could be wrong, but I don't really notice this in LoL.
Since relocating my main League of Legends account to the new Oceania Server, I have been forced to play with my North American friends on an alternate account. They are generally known as a Smurf or an Alt, the reasoning behind this is beyond me. Anyway, at lower levels the ratio of the density between smurfs and newbs is considerably higher. By my judgement I would say that it goes 5:2, the greater being smurf accounts until you hit around level Thirteen where it starts evening out and you get more legitimate newbies in your games. In DOTA2 they have a fix for people that use smurf accounts, and that is to put them with more skilled players the more that they win games until they are back at their usual level of skill. I could be wrong, but I don't really notice this in LoL.
Friday, 28 June 2013
RWBY, LoL goes down-under and why the Vi stands for Victory
RWBY, pronounced "Ruby", but stands for "Red White Black Yellow". Four trailers, one for each of the main characters are on Youtube somewhere. The first trailer I saw was Yellow's, and I immediately fell in love with it! It has some great combat and good music to go with it. I can't wait to see the show when its actually released.
Today, the Oceania region (Australia, New Zealand etc.) got their own LoL server! And as I happen to live in Australia, I am very pleased! No more pings of 180ms+, I now sit on a stable 40ms! I started playing in earnest and after listening to Yellow's Theme Song; "i burn" I got a sudden urge to play Vi. I went solo-top against a Nunu, killed him twice (only because of his hubris) and died twice. Nunu has crazy sustain! But I ended the game with Twelve kills Five deaths and Four assists. My build before they surrendered was BotRK, Last Whisper, Berserker Greaves, Black Cleaver, Trinity Force and a Brawlers Glove. Vi has crazy crazy BPS (Burst per Second). I was killing a tanky Sion in around Five hits, a bit under Four seconds. I was getting easy 1v3 Triple Kills, and that is why (in most cases) Vi stands for Victory!!
Today, the Oceania region (Australia, New Zealand etc.) got their own LoL server! And as I happen to live in Australia, I am very pleased! No more pings of 180ms+, I now sit on a stable 40ms! I started playing in earnest and after listening to Yellow's Theme Song; "i burn" I got a sudden urge to play Vi. I went solo-top against a Nunu, killed him twice (only because of his hubris) and died twice. Nunu has crazy sustain! But I ended the game with Twelve kills Five deaths and Four assists. My build before they surrendered was BotRK, Last Whisper, Berserker Greaves, Black Cleaver, Trinity Force and a Brawlers Glove. Vi has crazy crazy BPS (Burst per Second). I was killing a tanky Sion in around Five hits, a bit under Four seconds. I was getting easy 1v3 Triple Kills, and that is why (in most cases) Vi stands for Victory!!
Thursday, 27 June 2013
Internet Spaceships, LoL, and Neverwinter Nights!
For the past few years I have been steadily playing EVE Online and only recently have I started to seriously start training into Capital Ships, namely the Amarr Dreadnought. The Revelation. I started out as Amarr because I loved the idea of flying picturesque golden ships that fired giant beams of lasery death! They did not disappoint. About a year into my EVE Career I joined a small null-sec alliance (Pretty much a guild that lived in an area of the game where PVP is unrestricted). And about Six months after I joined, we joined the biggest coalition in the game. The CFC or Clusterfuck Coalition. During the following year or so we expanded northwards in the galaxy and at the height of its rule we (Us and Allies) owned about One Quarter of the game universe. You don't see stuff like that in any other MMO. EVE is also the only MMO where Scamming and other underhanded in-game behavior is perfectly acceptable, provided you don't RMT (Real Money Trade) you are fine. One of my friends commented that it doesn't sound like a very nice game when I mentioned that to them. I laughed, but its true. It really isn't a friendly game. The Learning Curve is a sheer cliff with people at the top throwing bombs down at you, unlike a game such as WoW. EVE Online brings out the very worst and the very best in people, that's why I love it!
Tonight I decided to go and play a game that I haven't touched in around Five months. Neverwinter Nights, the original. Sure, it's an old game but it's so good! Especially online. The most enjoyment I've ever gotten out of almost any game was had on a particular server of Neverwinter Nights. Arelith. It's a proper "Roleplay" server, and just like Pen and Paper D&D you get the opportunity to play out your characters every move, emotion and sentence. My main character is a female Half-Elf named Mana, and her body is partly living crystal. Although being a "Special Snowflake" is highly ill advised, she was my first mistake on that server and I have turned her into my greatest achievement on there. I could take all the adventures she has had and write at least Three thick novels about her, but I'm not going to because I'm much to busy gaming!
Earlier, today I played Bruiser Sivir with Thresh support in ranked. I went up against a Caitlyn with Volibear support. I fed pretty hard early on but by the mid game I was killing Caitlyn pretty easily in a 1v1. It was a very narrow victory on out part though, due to some all round bad plays.
Tonight I decided to go and play a game that I haven't touched in around Five months. Neverwinter Nights, the original. Sure, it's an old game but it's so good! Especially online. The most enjoyment I've ever gotten out of almost any game was had on a particular server of Neverwinter Nights. Arelith. It's a proper "Roleplay" server, and just like Pen and Paper D&D you get the opportunity to play out your characters every move, emotion and sentence. My main character is a female Half-Elf named Mana, and her body is partly living crystal. Although being a "Special Snowflake" is highly ill advised, she was my first mistake on that server and I have turned her into my greatest achievement on there. I could take all the adventures she has had and write at least Three thick novels about her, but I'm not going to because I'm much to busy gaming!
Earlier, today I played Bruiser Sivir with Thresh support in ranked. I went up against a Caitlyn with Volibear support. I fed pretty hard early on but by the mid game I was killing Caitlyn pretty easily in a 1v1. It was a very narrow victory on out part though, due to some all round bad plays.
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Divine RPG, Bad Driving, and why Fiddlesticks is such a good jungler
Recently I have been playing a Minecraft Mod called Divine RPG. It is hosted off the Feed The Beast launcher. Anyway, it is quite fun! It has around Eight unique dimensions, quite a few new ores and materials, alot more mobs and alot more bosses. So far I have a pretty big castle which is still in the making but I haven't ventured too deep underground yet. The reason for this is that there are a few extremely dangerous hostile mobs that live underground in the overworld in this Mod. I plan on doing this either tomorrow or the next day.
We had a power outage for about half the day in my street and so I was running a tablet off a generator which was also powering my internet. During this time, I played League of Legends with some friends. Today wasn't one of my best days on LoL, I don't know why but we only managed to win one of about Six games today. And in that game I played Fiddlesticks Jungle! Fiddlesticks has one of the best clear times and extreme sustain for a jungler. I got Dragon at about Eight minutes at level Six, solo. I did have a Hextech Revolver to give me alot more life recovery on drain, but still. I then proceeded to roll around the map picking up kills with my ult. When it came time to take Dragon again I did the usual Drain, Dark Wind, Drain etc. combo and then the enemy AD Carry (who was Caitlyn) showed up. By this time I had Sorcerers Shoes and a Needlessly Large Rod to go with my Revolver. I smited dragon and turned around and started draining her. In the few seconds between drains she had me down to about a quarter health. I start the drain on her and she ignites me (which halves the healing from it). I out heal her damage through the ignite, killing her in two drains and end up around three quarters health. Drain is ridiculously fun! I had a total of Eight kills and Five assists by the end of the game. In the last few seconds before the other team decided to surrender, I got ganked by the enemy Malphite and somebody else. I died just as the game ended. Oh well.
Also! I have discovered that I am horrible at driving or flying anything in ARMA2. Tonight in DayZ: Origins I had found a tractor and managed to fully repair it. I was driving in a city (I don't remember the name of it) and all of a sudden I drive into a tree. It breaks the engine so I get out quickly with the intention of finding some new parts for it. And then it explodes as I'm walking away. Damn! But I didn't watch the explosion because cool guys don't look at explosions.
We had a power outage for about half the day in my street and so I was running a tablet off a generator which was also powering my internet. During this time, I played League of Legends with some friends. Today wasn't one of my best days on LoL, I don't know why but we only managed to win one of about Six games today. And in that game I played Fiddlesticks Jungle! Fiddlesticks has one of the best clear times and extreme sustain for a jungler. I got Dragon at about Eight minutes at level Six, solo. I did have a Hextech Revolver to give me alot more life recovery on drain, but still. I then proceeded to roll around the map picking up kills with my ult. When it came time to take Dragon again I did the usual Drain, Dark Wind, Drain etc. combo and then the enemy AD Carry (who was Caitlyn) showed up. By this time I had Sorcerers Shoes and a Needlessly Large Rod to go with my Revolver. I smited dragon and turned around and started draining her. In the few seconds between drains she had me down to about a quarter health. I start the drain on her and she ignites me (which halves the healing from it). I out heal her damage through the ignite, killing her in two drains and end up around three quarters health. Drain is ridiculously fun! I had a total of Eight kills and Five assists by the end of the game. In the last few seconds before the other team decided to surrender, I got ganked by the enemy Malphite and somebody else. I died just as the game ended. Oh well.
Also! I have discovered that I am horrible at driving or flying anything in ARMA2. Tonight in DayZ: Origins I had found a tractor and managed to fully repair it. I was driving in a city (I don't remember the name of it) and all of a sudden I drive into a tree. It breaks the engine so I get out quickly with the intention of finding some new parts for it. And then it explodes as I'm walking away. Damn! But I didn't watch the explosion because cool guys don't look at explosions.
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Bruiser Sivir, and why Urals should not be driven without Engines!
Today, I decided to play the second champion that I ever liked. Sivir. Now, most people build her straight carry with a bit of extra mana thrown in for good measure. But I find that that build on her is somewhat underwhelming so I decided to try building her bruiser instead! Started off by building Black Cleaver then Berserker Greaves with Furor enchantment, went pretty even against a Caitlyn (which Sivir apparently counters). Then I got Frozen Mallet and Atma's Impaler followed by BotRK and Banshee's Veil for some added troll! The thing I love about Sivir is her ability to absorb enemy spells for mana. Caitlyn ult? E! Karthus ult? E! Lux ult? E! Teemo, Nidalee and Caitlyn also leave convenient deposits of free mana around on the ground and in bushes for Sivir to absorb.
I was also playing DayZ: Origins today. We (my clan and I) decided to do a raid on Salvation City and so we got in a helicopter and flew off with loot in our minds. As we got to the island - flying low over the water as to not be spotted by the 50. cal Emplacements which were inside the main compound - two of our team were sniped out of the chopper by some well placed shots from another player. We started with Seven and now we had Five. Our pilot dropped us off along the south western beach and we ran for a good 500m along the coast to an entrance location, we took shelter in a ruined house and waited to see what was going on. We heard alot of gunfire coming from inside the wall and then some footsteps outside the house, a very brief firefight followed and we had lost another but the attacker died too! Meanwhile our pilot had flown back to the mainland to pick up the Three that were respawning. Our team leader and the only other remaining squad member ran to the entrance hole and disappeared into the compound, leaving me to guard the escape. I moved to the second floor and found a window to watch from, soon enough I heard some footsteps and a Bandit in a blue tracksuit started towards the hole. I gunned him down from behind with my AK-74. Soon after, I died to a guy with a Makarov who snuck up the stairs behind me. Damn lucky headshot!
After I respawned I headed into Mitrovice (the small city next to our base) and then started looking around for some equipment. I happened across a survivor poking around near an apartment building, I befriended him and we went to check on the general store and its prospective supplies. He then invited me to his TeamSpeak3 server which I happily accepted since I probably wasn't going to get picked up by my clan by then. Anyway, after a few more deaths and kills (one death was caused by Dr. Ivan, a "Super Zombie") I ended up outside the Mitro hospital with Three others. We then headed North West to a zombie overrun army camp in which we almost lost one man to a sudden zerg rush of zombies, however a hail of lead is a sure way of driving back the horde! The server restart message came up, giving us 15 minutes warning. In the following 15 minutes one of my new friends stole a Ural from a group of players that decided it was a good idea to stop and refuel at a nearby fuel station. After stashing the Ural in the nearby forest we logged out for the restart. Afterwards we logged in and I ran over to the Ural and looked inside it, Two CZ550 rifles! Win! We all hopped in and I drove (somewhat dangerously) to the nearest repair station which was in the next city over. Then back to my base. All the while I'm talking to two of my clan mates and telling them that I'm bringing some friendlies around and not to shoot them. One of them is OK with it but the other is extremely paranoid and refuses to trust them straight up. After a few small firefights with some fresh spawns that kept coming to our base to attempt to steal loot off us, the distrust had turned into an uneasy friendliness. We then drove down to the local docks to loot cycle for some building materials for houses for our new allies. We parked the Ural between two hangars and then I removed the engine so it couldn't be driven away. After loading quite alot of building materials into the Ural from some good spawns, the clan mate that came with us decided to try to reposition the Ural. He forgot I took the engine out. It exploded. There goes all our newly acquired loot. Oh well, there is always tomorrow.
I was also playing DayZ: Origins today. We (my clan and I) decided to do a raid on Salvation City and so we got in a helicopter and flew off with loot in our minds. As we got to the island - flying low over the water as to not be spotted by the 50. cal Emplacements which were inside the main compound - two of our team were sniped out of the chopper by some well placed shots from another player. We started with Seven and now we had Five. Our pilot dropped us off along the south western beach and we ran for a good 500m along the coast to an entrance location, we took shelter in a ruined house and waited to see what was going on. We heard alot of gunfire coming from inside the wall and then some footsteps outside the house, a very brief firefight followed and we had lost another but the attacker died too! Meanwhile our pilot had flown back to the mainland to pick up the Three that were respawning. Our team leader and the only other remaining squad member ran to the entrance hole and disappeared into the compound, leaving me to guard the escape. I moved to the second floor and found a window to watch from, soon enough I heard some footsteps and a Bandit in a blue tracksuit started towards the hole. I gunned him down from behind with my AK-74. Soon after, I died to a guy with a Makarov who snuck up the stairs behind me. Damn lucky headshot!
After I respawned I headed into Mitrovice (the small city next to our base) and then started looking around for some equipment. I happened across a survivor poking around near an apartment building, I befriended him and we went to check on the general store and its prospective supplies. He then invited me to his TeamSpeak3 server which I happily accepted since I probably wasn't going to get picked up by my clan by then. Anyway, after a few more deaths and kills (one death was caused by Dr. Ivan, a "Super Zombie") I ended up outside the Mitro hospital with Three others. We then headed North West to a zombie overrun army camp in which we almost lost one man to a sudden zerg rush of zombies, however a hail of lead is a sure way of driving back the horde! The server restart message came up, giving us 15 minutes warning. In the following 15 minutes one of my new friends stole a Ural from a group of players that decided it was a good idea to stop and refuel at a nearby fuel station. After stashing the Ural in the nearby forest we logged out for the restart. Afterwards we logged in and I ran over to the Ural and looked inside it, Two CZ550 rifles! Win! We all hopped in and I drove (somewhat dangerously) to the nearest repair station which was in the next city over. Then back to my base. All the while I'm talking to two of my clan mates and telling them that I'm bringing some friendlies around and not to shoot them. One of them is OK with it but the other is extremely paranoid and refuses to trust them straight up. After a few small firefights with some fresh spawns that kept coming to our base to attempt to steal loot off us, the distrust had turned into an uneasy friendliness. We then drove down to the local docks to loot cycle for some building materials for houses for our new allies. We parked the Ural between two hangars and then I removed the engine so it couldn't be driven away. After loading quite alot of building materials into the Ural from some good spawns, the clan mate that came with us decided to try to reposition the Ural. He forgot I took the engine out. It exploded. There goes all our newly acquired loot. Oh well, there is always tomorrow.
Monday, 24 June 2013
AP Rammus, and why Hard Turtling is useful
Well, today I was browsing through my Facebook and I saw a friend post something about Rammus and how his Q and R scale well of AP. I thought this was interesting and so I played two games with this in mind. I decided to use a tanky AP build and the first game was hilariously fun, solo-top against a Vi. By Twenty Minutes I was one hitting whole creep waves (minus the siege creeps) with my Q. And whenever my counterpart left the lane I pushed hard and used my ult to melt the tower. Win!
Even earlier than that however I was playing a premade normal against what I assume was another premade team. I played solo-top Riven against a Xin Zhao, I did OK early but started to fall off around 15 minutes or so as did the rest of my team. We lost top and mid inhibitors and 2 Barons by 30 minutes and then I called for the Turtle Strategy. What ensued was another hour of extremely defensive play with us only losing our other lane tower (Bot). At around 70 minutes of playing we had taken Baron at least 3 times, the first one was a brilliant steal by our jungler (Amumu, played by ManBra1512) and in the team fight that followed we lost our support and main tank, (Leona, played by jman124) but got an ace! The other two we took more or less uncontested with a few minor skirmishes. It took at least Four raids into the enemy base to take out the inhibitors by around 80 minutes as we had to leave our Mid (Kayle, played by Fire Turkey) to protect against the occasional backdoor attempt by the enemy AD carry who was Quinn. But with steadfast determination and alot of strategy and good plays we were able to get our AD carry (Corki, played by TheWereWalrus) extremely fed and we eventually won.
Even earlier than that however I was playing a premade normal against what I assume was another premade team. I played solo-top Riven against a Xin Zhao, I did OK early but started to fall off around 15 minutes or so as did the rest of my team. We lost top and mid inhibitors and 2 Barons by 30 minutes and then I called for the Turtle Strategy. What ensued was another hour of extremely defensive play with us only losing our other lane tower (Bot). At around 70 minutes of playing we had taken Baron at least 3 times, the first one was a brilliant steal by our jungler (Amumu, played by ManBra1512) and in the team fight that followed we lost our support and main tank, (Leona, played by jman124) but got an ace! The other two we took more or less uncontested with a few minor skirmishes. It took at least Four raids into the enemy base to take out the inhibitors by around 80 minutes as we had to leave our Mid (Kayle, played by Fire Turkey) to protect against the occasional backdoor attempt by the enemy AD carry who was Quinn. But with steadfast determination and alot of strategy and good plays we were able to get our AD carry (Corki, played by TheWereWalrus) extremely fed and we eventually won.
Sunday, 23 June 2013
League of Legends, and why Diana is broken again.
Played a game of League as Diana. Started off bad because of a duo AP bot-lane (Me and an Ahri) vs. Nidalee and MF. But then I started roaming and farming. Ended up with a tidy 200-ish CS. But the point is, after she was released she was broken as hell. I could 2v1 from half health at lvl 6. Then they nerfed her to the ground. Recently they changed her W (which is a shield with 3 orbs around it, if the orbs touch an enemy they explode and if all 3 explode the shield is refreshed.). Now instead of refreshing the shield, it adds the fresh shield on top of the old one allowing her to absorb alot more damage. She is also broken again because of this, it just takes a little longer to kick in! :>
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